Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Politics of Backstabbing Essay

Due to the result of such illegitimate political approach, Mr. Rosen was demoted while his colleague was promoted. Shortly after the incident, Mr. Rosen resigned with many questions unanswered (Robbins and Judge, 2007, p. 497). Warning These types of incidents are very common in the workplace as some people would use political games to move ahead. In my opinion Mr. Rosen needs to communicate ith his colleague and solve this issue in a friendly kind of way, to avoid any complication in the future. Be straight forward about his concern and bring up the comments and the abnormal behavior that affecting him. During the conversation Mr. Rosen should offer his assistant if ever needed as a reminder of working as a team. Anyone should feel at peace and concentrate on doing their Job without feeling like being watched or being stabbed in the back. Be sure to keep a written record, dated, time, and every event for future need. Manager or criticize the view. If there was no improvement, Mr. Rosen should take the next step by talking to his manager about his concern and ask for his manager advice to appropriately approach the issue. To avoid the negative repercussions that can come from backstabbing and other illegitimate behavior, manager should research and verify the incident. Never by pass your manager by going straight to the next level, because this can be much more complicated. Present your manager, the fact with any supportive written records you might have and pressing on the fact that this causing your Job’s performance and stress, and would lead to health issues. Backstabbers often claim to be a friend with their victims and act, as if they are hesitant about sharing negative information due to the friendship. Backstabbers aren’t our friend and we should be cautious and prepared of their existent. H. R. Dept. and the Chain of Command The next level can be accelerated to the human resource department if there is no improvement after reporting to the manager. Explain the fact that he had already taken all the necessary actions before proceeding to the H. R. Department. Again, Mr. Rosen will need to press firmly that this dilemma is causing his Job’s performance nd stress that will hurt not only him individually, but this will also impact the company performance as a whole. At this point, human resource should gather any necessary information and take appropriate actions. Hopefully, this is your last stop and be prepared if this doesn’t work, then elevate to the chain of command. There is a reason to every problem, and every problem needs to be resolved. Be sure to keep a written record of all time during this dilemma, since it will be needed to go to the chain of command. Write a complain letter with supportive documents include ritten records and present it to the chain of command and explain that this behavior is causing a hostile work environment. Conclusion One of the most political actions in organizations has consistently found to be promotion decisions. The opportunity for promotions or advancement encourages people to compete for limited resources and positively influence the decision’s outcome. Threatened with the loss of resources people may engage in political actions to safeguard what they have. Certain personality traits, needs, and other factors have been found by some researcher that is likely to be related to political behavior. However, any changes, especially those that imply significant reallocation of resources within the organization are likely to stimulate conflict and increase politicking. Many researches focuses on backstabbing aimed at organizations, but most sabotage is intended to harm a colleague, and generally benefits the perpetrator. It’s not easy to identify back stabber’s motivation. Backstabbers are jealous and generally insecure in themselves. They are very cruel and enjoy hurting others. It is never Justifiable to partake in backstabbing or any other illegitimate political behavior as soon, or later they’ll be caught and suffer the consequences.

Kerzner Office Equipment

Critique Briggs’ management of the first meeting. What, if anything, should she have done differently? The approach employed by Amber Briggs in the first meeting of the Kerzner Anniversary Task Force can be described as traditional. Firstly, Briggs, the head, prepared the agenda, which mainly consisted of the activities to be done within the one-hour meeting, followed by the members’ introduction of themselves wherein they stated the different departments they are connected with and lastly, the head reminded them to solicit information from their department colleagues on how the anniversary celebration should be done.In my analysis, there’s actually nothing wrong with the way Briggs handled the first meeting, but considering that the purpose is to prepare for an upcoming event that is special and grandiose, she could have handled it a little differently than the conventional way. I understand that this event would really call for commitment and teamwork so she co uld have awakened the interest and stirred the creative minds of the task force’ members by brainstorming on the appropriate theme for the event. This would serve as the guide of all the committee heads (task force members) in coming-up with the plan for their respective committee assignments. The meeting could have been more fruitful.Since the group members are coming from different departments, Briggs should have done better by explaining to the members the main purpose of the task force’s creation so that each one will know their vital role, the presentation of the budget they will be working on so that they will have an idea of how much the management is willing to spend in order to make the event successful and the presentation of the committees. The members, being the committee leaders, will now pick the committee they are willing to handle, which is supposedly prepared by Briggs prior to the first meeting’s schedule.Sample committees with specified tasks that will help realize the goal of the celebration could be: a) promotions to take charge of the intra-company advertisement (e.g. bulletin boards update, flyers, etc) and gimmicks prior to the actual celebration in order the set the pace for the much awaited activity; program to take charge of the entire flow of activities, program layout, invitation, and selection of the program hosts or emcees; games and awards to take care of the fun games to serve as fillers for the lull moments and the identification and preparation of awards to be given (e.g. per department to acknowledge their contribution for recovering and staying in the business despite the national recession).Food to select the caterer and menu; decoration to plan and supervise the decoration of the venue in accordance with the theme or concept of the event; physical arrangement/lights/sounds to take charge of the layout of the venue, the lights needed to make it livelier and the sound system, which would include the sel ection of the music to be played throughout the activity; and documentation committee to capture every moment for everyone to cherish including the preparation of an article on the event to be published in the company’s newsletter.Before ending the meeting, rather than merely reminding them to solicit information from their colleagues, each member should have been reminded to prepare a plan with the proposed individual committee members and estimated budget, which will be presented in the next meeting. All the task force’s members will then give their comments and suggestions to improve the prepared plan.It would have been better also if the actual date of the next meeting was decided upon. Briggs, as the head, could propose a schedule before adjourning the meeting so everyone can give their comments. Once schedule has been agreed, the members should ensure that if they could not attend due to operational concerns or unforeseen circumstances, a capable and committed re presentative, who has been briefed of his or her role, will be present to attend the meeting and give updates.What barriers is she likely to encounter in completing this project? What can she do to overcome these barriers? Note: Answers to q. # 3 is imbedded (italicized) in the answers to q. # 2The major barrier that is likely to be encountered in completing this project is the availability of the task force members. It would have been better, if after the discussion of the objectives, the members were asked on how interested and committed they were to be part of the team. As mentioned in the case, most of the members were assigned rather than volunteered so a very pertinent issue involved here would be commitment. It’s also possible that because the company is composed of 1,100 employees, not all of them know each other personally.This is very essential to encourage teamwork. Briggs, being in the HR department, should ensure that this group would have a chance to meet each o ther more frequently in other company engagements or activities. It would also be good if they could work in pairs in their assigned committees. Briggs could also allot 5 minutes every time the task force meets for group dynamic activities to promote teamwork. For a start, a getting-t- know-you activity would be nice.What should she do between now and the next meeting?After the meeting, she could send an email to all the members on the minutes (what has been discussed) including their specific committee assignments and the things expected of them in the next meeting. She could also send a separate email to the two absent members to update them on what has been discussed. She could ask them too if they are available and would commit to the future undertakings of the group. As stated above, a five-minute group dynamic activity could strengthen the group’s teamwork. This would also make the meeting more interesting. Briggs should also acknowledge the team’s progress to en courage more their participation.Park Manor Condominium: Analysis of social and psychological market factorsCase written by Prof. John M. Hess, University of ColoradoPark Manor, a condominium apartment community located twenty five minutes from downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is troubled by a significant decline in sales in recent months. The developers Herbert Klein, Hilton Howard and Lloyd Franklin, analyzed the different strategies employed by the condominium in attracting customers and debated whether they have reduced the market too severely by their age and no-children barriers. Howard believes that they have already exhausted the over-forty market and should therefore lower the minimum age limit.On the other hand, Franklin said that they have barely touched the market by focusing too much on the retired individuals instead of the working people and those whose children have left home and no longer desire for a large house. Klein also thinks that they have taken the wrong track by limiting their efforts on the local area. It would have been better if they have attracted retirees from a regional or national market. He specifically identified Chicago, which has approximately 200,000 eligible retirees with an additional 20,000 persons retiring each year (cited in Stanton, 1978).To provide the right solution to the problem, they conducted a market study, which revealed some public misconceptions and prejudices that probably aroused from shifts in promotional emphasis. A summary statement of the report reads: a) age – most respondents view Park manor as an old-people’s home; b) income – majority of the respondents identify Park Manor as an expensive, high income and high cost place to live; c) institutionalization – people fee that they will loose their freedom if they move to the place; d) not quite respectable   – many perceive as not being quite respectable   and e) apartment living – homeowners do not like to l ive in an apartment and apartment dwellers don’t wish to invest or tie up funds in their residence (cited in Stanton, 1978).As a result, the development company has learned that buying a home and moving are emotion-laden activities and that each type of the market has different reasons for changing residences, which is often at cross purposes, thus appeals to one may alienate the others. Park Manor also feels that they have to identify and select the most compatible market elements (cited in Stanton, 1978).CVS/Pharmacy: Market Expertise Is Key to SuccessCVS/Pharmacy, one of the largest retailers in the US, wanted to launch their new camcorders with the aid of market experts to ensure success. They believe in the power of PR and they have sought the help of the best agencies for their unique PR programs. For the photo division, they wanted an agency with solid media connections and with an understanding of the imaging market. Furthermore, they wanted an agency with the ability to generate results instantly, thus they hired Matter Communications ( agency is known for its unparalleled knowledge of the imaging market, with a philosophy to directly align PR programs to business goals. When the agency launched their new product, it was a success, which was even applauded by the national news outlets including Wall Street Journal and Time. With the successful outcome, they engaged Matter Communications to build an ongoing and sustainable PR machine with the goal of driving local consumers directly into local stores for its one-time-use digital camcorder.Matter, aiming to become CVS long-term partner, in turn developed a media program that focused on product placement, reviews and feature stories across the country. 200 articles, television segments and radio spots featured CVS’ camcorder in just five months. It was also included in regional holiday gift guides, â€Å"Best of 2005† round-ups a nd targeting syndicated writers paid off wherein one article yielded 34 articles. Results matter for Matters Communications. This was evidenced by their success in launching CVS’ new product. In December alone, Matter helped reached more than 107 million readers/viewers. ( Communications. CVS/pharmacy: Market Expertise Is Key to Success. Retrieved December 28, 2007Stanton, William J. (5th Ed.). (1978). Fundamentals of Marketing. United States: McGraw-Hill Book Company

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Three Religions Essay

The three major religions in the world are Judaism, Islam and Christianity. The largest religion in the world is Christianity followed by Islam. In 33 C.E. Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ. Christianity is more spread around the globe than any other religion. Islam is the second largest religion in the world. In 637-750 Islam was founded by Muhammad. Islam originated in the Middle East, Islam also holds many beliefs and practices that are in common with Christianity and Judaism. Judaism is the twelfth largest religion in the world. Judaism was founded in 586 B.C. The founder of Judaism was either Moses or Abraham. Judaism follow the Ten Commandments like Christianity does. All three religions had and have greatly influenced the whole world. There are many similarities between Christianity, Judaism and Islam. All three of these religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam are known as â€Å"Abrahamic religions† because of their history to the agreement God made with Abrah am in the Bible. One of the comparisons between Judaism and Islam is they have no priest like Christianity does. Judaism and Christianity also share many similarities, their holy city is Jerusalem and they both follow the Ten Commandments. Islam’s holy city is Mecca and they follow the Sharia Law. Both Christianity and Islam believe the moral teachings of the prophets. They all have spiritual beings like, angles and demons. All three religions are monotheistic which means they believe in one God. Just like similarities there are many differences between the Middle East religions. All three, Christianity, Islam and Judaism have different holy scriptures. Christianity has the bible (Old and New Testaments), Islam has the Qur’an and Judaism has the Torah. Their House of Worship is different. Christianity worships in a church, while Judaism worships in a synagogue and Islam worships in a mosque. Judaism and Christianity’s holy city is Jerusalem but Islam’s holy city is Mecca. Each one of these religions believes in something different, Christianity believes in Jesus while Islam believes in Allah. They follow different rules in their religions such as, Islam following the Five Pillars and Judaism and Christianity following the Ten Commandments. There were also different people who found each religion. Muhammad found Islam, Jesus found Christianity and Moses or Abraham found Judaism. . There were many  similarities and differences between Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Their similarities and differences show how each of the three religions were formed and created throughout the decades. Each one of these religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam have there own significances to different people and places. Their significances are carried around all over the world. Christianity, Judaism and Islam started in the Middle East but have spread throughout the world. Not only did Christianity, Judaism and Islam spread around the globe but they have impacted the whole world as well.

Monday, July 29, 2019

What's Under the Veil - Ottoman Women Research Paper

What's Under the Veil - Ottoman Women - Research Paper Example What many people might find interesting is that these women probably wore and owned the most extraordinary and stunning jewelries and clothes of their time. In this research paper, I want to go back in time to the Ottoman Empire and examine what the traditional Ottoman woman wore - jewelries, clothing etc. - and show that there is so much more to discover about them under the veil. Over the centuries, the most important feature of a Turkish female dress was that they wore traditional clothing. We know about the various aspects of a woman’s dress between the 12th to 14th centuries because of tiles, miniatures and the stone carvings that they have left behind and have been discovered. Ottoman clothing is the fashion followed and worn by the Ottoman Turks. It changed over time, but it remained as lovely as ever. Even though the women covered themselves with the ferace – a black long upper dress like a cardigan with full sleeves and no collar – before going outside, they were dressed up beneath this layer (Inal 263). They wore the most beautifully made clothes with exquisite jewelry. The styles and designing of the clothes were the same, the class and religious difference only being apparent due to the quality of the cloth used to make their clothes. The rich made their dresses of a fine cloth called barami. Guillaume Postel, a professor, was sent to Istanbul by King Francois the First. He kept a travel log in which he has written: â€Å"The materials used are gold and silver satin, brocade, damask and many kinds of silk. These are the fabrics chosen by the rich and the city aristocrats, the city poor and villagers dress very badly† (Ministry of Culture and Tourism). The women, in hopes for making a way for themselves in the Empire, did embroidery. They wove intricate designs and used these cloths as headscarves, etc. They were quite proud of their appearance and wanted to look their best. Later in the period, they started wearing a two- layer long entari, too, which is a gown. They also wore tul, a shawl of velvet around their heads. Even later on in the century, an entari was worn inside beneath a caftan-shaped dress which was short-sleeved (Besse and Morris 176). The basic accessories worn by the Ottoman women were jeweled belts made of gold, crystal, silver, mother-of-pearl or even ivory. Belt buckles were worn around the waist or at times over the hips. These had floral or geometric designs and were bedecked with gems like diamonds, turquoise, emeralds and others. Beneath it they wore salwar  ­Ã¢â‚¬â€œ a kind of loose pants (Inal 252). These were mostly made of taffeta. They wore leather shoes which were usually yellow in color, probably because of the gold embroidery (Kia 216) and the toes were quite narrow and so very tight. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, the wife of the English ambassador to Turkey had this to say about their clothing whilst her stay over there: â€Å"The first piece of my dress is a pair of drawers, very full, that reach to my shoes and conceal the legs...They are of a thin rose color damask brocaded with silver flowers, my shoes of white kid Leather embroidered with Gold. Over this hangs my Smock of a fine white silk Gause edg'd with Embroidery...The Antery is a waistcoat made close to the shape, of white and Gold damask, with very long sleeves....My Caftan of the same stuff with my Drawers is a robe exactly fitted to my shape and reaching my feet...† (Kamps and Singh 101) As Muslim women have been advised to cover themselves in front of any male who is not their husband or close relative, the women used to wear veils or, at least, covered their heads. These were made of silk for the summers and of wool, lined with fur for the colder seasons. Over time

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Effective Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Effective Presentation - Essay Example An image on a slide, for instance, can be effective in attracting the viewer’s attention towards the subject of the key theme of the presentation. A picture may also evoke powerful emotions in the viewers and, therefore, serve to attract attention. Visual expressions serve a fundamental role in enhancing the quality of the presentation. A picture showing the differences in impact on an individual hit at 40 mph and 30 mph, for instance, may inform the audience of the critical implication of escalating by a difference of 10 mph. The picture may be used to show that there is a high chance of an accident victim surviving when hit at 30mph compared to 40mph. A descriptive visual impression, therefore, is important in enhancing the presentation quality. Graphics are important in explaining detailed information that, in some instances, requires emphasis and comprehensive explanations. Inserting statistical data using tools such as graphs is decorative and helps clarify the information presented. It helps place the message in its context and add meaning to it as well as emphasizing its significance. Use of statistical presentation tools such as pie charts and graphs renders it easy to make comparisons, for instance. Besides financial data, scientific information such as the functioning of organs including the brain is best attainable trough inclusion of graphics. The National Geographic 3D mapping of the human memory is an example. National Geographic (2015) uses the 3D map of human memory to illustrate the various parts of the brain and their functioning systems. The interactive is useful in explaining the formation of memories in the brain. Besides, it is important to show other brain functionalities and processes. Graphics are vital in emphasizing the context of communication. That is particularly important when explaining scientific processes and concepts to viewers. Processes that occur in chronological order are best explained

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Study for econ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Study for econ - Essay Example The economic systems are classified on the basis of the ownership of the factor of production, the legal framework, level of competition, distribution of income, and the organization of decision making. The economic systems are evaluated on the basis of the abovementioned factors or criteria and are normally categorized into three main categories which are as follow: Capitalism is basically derived from the right to life, right to liberty, and right to property. This means that capitalism supports the private ownership of the property in order to control the means of production. Other important characteristics include exchange, capital, efficiency, use of markets, etc. In capitalism the market is controlled by the market forces and there is decentralized decision making and economic system. At the same time there are no legal or political institutions or framework to control the market. Five basic characteristics of capitalism economic system are as follow: Marx implemented the theory of history on the sociological and economic impacts of the capitalism economic system. He was of the idea that the capitalism can only occur in short run due to its negative impacts in long run and thus viewed the capitalism economic system at historical stage. According to him the capitalism economics system can only be progressive in short run and eventually will be useless and will be overtaken by socialism. Marx criticized the approach of capitalism as a social economic relation only between the people as opposite to the relation between the people and resources or things. The concept of the private ownership of capital tends to benefit the owners and ignore the labors and workers. The owners earn profits and income on the expense of the labors and workers. He claimed that the capitalism will results in accumulation of more and more capital by the owner and thus diminishing the labors or working class and thus will create the need of social reforms. H ence, the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Creating and Marketing a new product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Creating and Marketing a new product - Essay Example But on the other hand complications have also increased as we try to understand and use each of the gadgets separately. It is from these complications that we have identified a new need of getting everything available to users in a single device. The product we have come up is called ‘E-Wall’ which will help users of technology manage everything from a single place using a single device. In this report we will talk in detail about the product, marketing plan and strategy, business strategy, and operations. We will also discuss how we will establish it as a legal entity and protect the innovation from being copied by any company. We will also establish the target market of the proposed product. E-Wall E-Wall is an electronic wall that will act as a screen. This screen will display everything that a person needs to carry out his or her daily technology related operations. The screen will serve as a laptop, television, cell phone etc for users. Basically everything users wa nt will be displayed on the E-Wall and users will be able to control it through a tablet. This tablet will serve as a key board for users which they will use to change icons on the wall. The aim of the technology is to bring everything together in one place so that users can easily access it. The device will also save space as it will be placed on the wall. Only a small server will be attached to the screen to feed data into the wall. The main purpose of E-Wall is to integrate all the present technology currently being used by the people worldwide. There is a need to join them together so that users can get a single point of access. Another purpose of the product is to make everything easily available to users of technology. The idea behind E-Wall is to get everything on a single wall so that everything can be managed easily. This product will not only make access to different technologies easily. E-Wall will display everything on a large surface (wall) which will increase visibilit y and also users will be able to use everything without even moving from one place to another or without juggling different devices at the same time. E-Wall will serve as a display screen for all of the existing technology. It will just integrate existing technology into one device. A key attribute of the device is that it will allow users to access everything on the E-Wall through a touch screen tablet. This will allow mobility without compromising on size of the display or the number of technologies available. This key advantage will make this device desirable for many segments of the society. Establishing Legal Entity It is important to form a legal entity in order to operate any official business therefore we have decided to form a Limited Liability Partnership company. This is type of company offers the benefits of both corporations and partnership, and this is why we have preferred it over other forms. The most important element of this form of company is the limited liability of partners. Limited liability restricts the liability of the partners and separates personal and company assets. It is relatively safe to go for a limited liability company as personal assets are not secured in case of liquidation. The next step will be to register a name of the company and a trademark which will be used both for transaction and for marketing purposes. By registering a trademark we will also ensure that no one is able to copy our name or sign in any way. Trademark is very important in today’

Three components of the transmission mechanism,through which the Essay

Three components of the transmission mechanism,through which the expansionary policy works - Essay Example An expansionary monetary policy works by increasing the supply of money available in the economy.The recessionary gap is handled by the corresponding increase in demand which tends to create employment in the shorter run. As soon as the economy is supplied with money, the aggregate demand level rises from its previous state as shown in Figure 1 below. The demand level tends to rise from the existing AD1 level to a new AD2 level. In turn this increase in demand triggers an increase in the price level which tends to rise from an existing level of P1 to P2 which can be seen as inflation (Mankiw, Kneebone and McKenzie 503). As a consequence of price hikes, the inflation rate tends to increase as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 below. The short term Phillips Curve shows a linear increase as the amount of inflation rises but the long term Phillips Curve shows a vertical increase as the aggregate demand rises. If money is supplied to the economy at a fast rate, the outcome would be a small c hange in the overall employment rate since inflationary pressure would curb the economic growth. In contrast, if money is supplied to the economy relatively slowly, there would be a smaller increase in overall inflation and hence the net employment gain would be greater. In order to control a recessionary gap, the government has to offer the economy greater liquidity by increasing the supply of money. However, it must be kept in mind that the rate of supply of money has to be relatively low so that long term inflationary pressures do not set in. ... Fiscal policy can be controlled by increasing or decreasing government spending as well as by manipulating the taxation levels of ordinary households. A contractionary fiscal policy reduces the supply of money to the economy. When the supply of money to the economy decreases, the aggregate demand reduces from its existing level to a lower level. This leads to a contraction of the aggregate demand which in turn reduces the overall output levels in the economy. Consequently, the contractionary fiscal policy moves the economy along the short run Phillips curve as shown in Figure 4 below. In the longer run, the economy shifts vertically along the Phillips curve which leads to a reduction in the overall inflation rate with a minimal effect on the overall employment levels (Mankiw, Kneebone and McKenzie 512). Figure 4 - Disinflationary monetary policy in the short run and long run When the amount of government spending tends to increase, it increases the overall money supply in the economy . As a result, the demand for money in the economy tends to rise from MD1 to MD2 as shown in Figure 5. Consequently, the interest rate tends to rise which leads to a net reduction in the investment levels and puts reduction pressure on aggregate demand. The aggregate demand level tends to rise though it fails to meet its expected level of increase. While the expected level of increase in the aggregate demand curve should be from AD1 to AD2 but it actually increases only to aggregate demand levels between actual level and expected level to AD3 as shown in Figure 6. The reduction of the aggregate demand as soon as a fiscal expansion takes place is better known as the crowding out effect (Mankiw, Kneebone and McKenzie 487). Figure 5 - The money market Figure 6 - Changes in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Pls see the attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pls see the attachment - Essay Example Steve should have set up an agenda for his day and should have had a system to organize his paperwork. Before the meeting, Steve received a call on a rush job, which he had turned over to one of his production supervisors, Lucy Adams, and put out of his mind. He tried to reach her and discovered she was out of town and difficult to reach. He asked his secretary to leave her a message to call him. He should have told his secretary to ask Lucy about the job in case he was not in the office when she called. The rest of his day was one interruption after another—an appointment not listed, a priority job his boss had asked for that wasn’t done, being late for another meeting, missing calls from Lucy—and at 4:30, he decided to go home, wondering how he could ever get caught up. It is obvious Steve Arnold is a disaster waiting to happen. He is balancing on a tight rope, and any minute he’s apt to crash. He has several employees apparently capable of handling projects, but Steve has never created a preliminary schedule that would include early morning meetings with his staff to plan not only each day but also the time lines needed to complete projects by a reasonable deadline. It would also appear that his secretary, Ruth, either has not been given the option of helping Steve organize his own scheduled priorities and putting his papers in order or she is not dependable and probably should be replaced. Steve does not look ahead to determine how to prioritize his time. He also does not look at the overall picture to see how production schedules should interact. He needs to educate himself on these matters. Steve does not appear to have much personal interaction with any of his staff nor does he schedule his time properly. He will improve greatly as a leader if he sets a preliminary schedule for his day with connections to future projects and the reminders he needs to follow up. Once he does this, he will

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How do you think that the Legal Services Act 2007 will change the Essay

How do you think that the Legal Services Act 2007 will change the Legal Profession - Essay Example To note, lawyers are duty-bound to preserve the respectable reputation of their profession. Also, it has been observed that restrictive legal practices prevent professional competition among legal practitioners (Mortensen, Bartlett, & Tranter, 2010). As such, in 2003, the Blair administration commissioned Sir David Clementi to conduct a review of the profession’s regulatory structure (Mortensen et al., 2010). Clementi’s report envisioned three major reforms which were adopted under the act: (1) the creation of the Legal Services Board (LSB); (2) the establishment of the Office for Legal Complaints (OLC); and (3) the authorization of alternative business structures. This set-up has actually been described as consumer-focused and competition-based. The LSB is meant to supervise or oversee the present professional bodies (Mortensen et al., 2010). It can only exercise its intervention power upon finding that the approved regulators have seriously failed or persistently fail ed in its responsibilities (Mortensen et al., 2010). The OLC on the other hand acts as the single handler of all complaints due to unsatisfactory legal services (Mortensen et al., 2010). This body accords the Ombudsman the power to issue orders against erring legal practitioners (Mortensen et al., 2010). ... n a store of knowledge that was more than ordinarily complex†; (2) secure a theoretical understanding of the field with which it tackles; (3) apply its complex and theoretical body of knowledge to the practical and feasible solution of social and human dilemmas; (4) â€Å"strive to add to and improve its stock knowledge†; (5) transmit the knowledge to newcomers formally and deliberately; (6) provide requirements for admission, proper conduct and legitimate practice; and (7) be imbued with altruism (cited in Bowie, 1988, p. 743). Law complies will all the aforementioned requisites. The most important quality is having an altruistic spirit -- the concern for public good. This separates law from the other occupations. It is the core of the profession. In this context, if altruism is absent, then law becomes a business. Business has never been regarded as a profession (Bowie, 1988). Business people are self-centered (Bowie, 1988). They are primarily motivated by self-interes t (Bowie, 1988). This description is clearly in contrast with the seventh quality which Flexner suggested. There is a need to emphasize this point since the Legal Services Act works opposite to the cited principle. The third envisioned reform will make the legal profession a business. Allowing alternative business structures between lawyers and non-lawyers is not the kind of competition that can solve the problem on poor legal services. The change will not lower the number of customer complaints. Stated in another sense, the ends will not justify the means. It is against the basic theory of professionalism (Moorhead, Sherr, & Paterson, 2003). It would be better to implement rules which can enhance the ability of lawyers and enlighten them of the importance of public service. The legal profession must

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rectorseal in India Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Rectorseal in India - Research Paper Example The paper tells that companies venture into the international market with various aims and objectives. Expanding the market for the company’s products and gaining international recognition are obvious reasons why businesses engage in international businesses. Businesses however venture into the international market with specific objectives and intention. From this relation Rectorseal has its specific motives of venturing into the international market. Firstly, Rectorseal has succeeded in the marketing of competent products in the US market. This implies that the company looked forward towards a success in the international market. Anticipation of success and increased revenue for the international market was the first reason that led Rectorseal to venture into the international market. Rectorseal Company produces a variety of chemical products such as sealants and adhesives. The company is also involved in the production of variety of equipments for domestic and industrial usa ge. This implies that the company requires a wider variety of raw materials and expertise. The step towards international market is a positive step for the company since it will enable the company to establish additional suppliers. This will ensure that the company does not suffer from the high power of suppliers that currently characterize the industry. Rectoseal Company has been existence for the last 75 years. The company has achieved a lot of success in the production and marketing of its high quality products. The company produces a wide range of products for both industrial and domestic uses. The company has also enjoyed a lot of support from local trade’s men who form a greater percentage of its consumers. The company deals with the production of firefighting equipment and chemicals, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, cleaning agents, plumbing products, soldering products and sealants (Bloomberg web). The company considers sealants as its main product and th roughout the 75 year of operation, the company has produced the product successfully. This does not imply that the company has not achieved success in the production and marketing of the other stated products. The success of the company can be attributed to its dedicated and skilled team of employees. Throughout the 75 years of operation, Rectorseal has attracted and retained high caliber employees from all field and professionals. This can be attributed to a good working environment in the company and an attractive payment package for the staff. The company has maintained between 100 and 249 employees who have helped the company to reach its current position (Bloomberg web). Due to its expansion needs, the company considers hiring its staff from a varied background. Since its formation, the company has always given equal employment opportunity to all people regardless of their nationality or race. Existence of highly dedicated team of employees and quality products has enabled the company to have a high degree of control on both the domestic and international market. Currently the company’s annual revenue stands at 50 million US dollars (Bloomberg web). This is high a revenue compared to the duration that the company has been in operation and diversification of its products. This high revenue can be attributed to high sale that the company expects in every financial year. Although the company has always tried to maintain a balanced sale from all its products, Sealant products have proved to have a good sale for the company. Sealant products account for nearly 50% of the company’s annual sale (Bloomberg web). This sale pattern is reflected in both international and domestic market where the company markets its products. Due to its success in the regional and domestic Rectorseal Company hopes to achieve similar success in the international market. The three strategies are the most appropriate for Rectorseal Company in its international expansion. This does not nullify the existence of other useful strategies that the company can

Monday, July 22, 2019

Emily Dickinson Essay Example for Free

Emily Dickinson Essay Emily Dickinson, one of the best-known American poetesses, was born in Amherst, western Massachusetts in the 1830. The house where poetess spent the greatest part of her lifetime was called the Homestead. It was built in the 1803 by her grandfather, sold and then bought out in the 1855. Her parents both graduated from the Amherst College. Emily’s father was a well-known person in the town, as he was a treasurer of Amherst College (which was earlier co-founded by her grandfather), a good lawyer and he also was a republican representative to the national legislatures. It is said that Emily’s mother didn’t play an important role in her life, as she couldn’t provide her daughter with the amount of emotions and attention she needed. The poetess herself later referred to her as a sort of a person â€Å"to whom you hurry when you are troubled†. Her early years she spent accompanied by her younger sister Lavinia and a brother whose name was Austin. Her parents, who both were the members of the orthodox Congregational Church, tried to make of her an educated and religious woman who someday will have to take care of her own family. But it became evident later that Emily’s individualistic approach to life, her certain personal features didn’t allow her to perform the social role that was prescribed for the women of her social status at that times. Emily received good education, especially for a women living in the 19th century. First she studied in the Amherst women’s academy and than she spent a year in a Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. Both the first and the second educational establishment devoted endless hours to religious edifications, so the poet’s growing up occurred under the severe religious pressure. At the academy she became notorious as one of the few students who refused to admit her faith in Christ on public. This fact darkened her further sojourn in that establishment, as Emily felt alienated and misunderstood at the place, where everybody shared the beliefs she didn’t fully support. Although she participated in the agency of the community of the Christian resurgence, she failed to become a convinced believer and didn’t join the church community. In 1955 during Emily’s travel to Washington to visit her father, who was a congressman at that period, she stopped at Philadelphia to listen the sermon of the known priest whose name was Charles Wadsworth. She corresponded with him for a long period of time and he is presumed to be Emily’s first love, one of her deeply hidden romantic disappointments which inspired her writings. Another Emily’s presumable object of passion was Samuel Bowles, the editor of the â€Å"Springfield Republican†. Today some researchers say that Dickinson stayed unmarried because of the well hidden passion she had for women. They support their viewpoint giving the feministic analysis of her verses. They also note that Emily kept very close relationship with some of her friends who were woman, and only the strict traditions and beliefs of her time didn’t allow Emily to reveal her real passions. These researchers give us the information that the poetess’s letters to her friend and sister-in-law Susanne Gilbert were thoroughly edited before publishing by her niece, to exclude all the â€Å"passionate love confessions† from there. Other scientists explain the fact of Dickinson being single by some of her personal traits which made marriage undesirable for her. Emily was said to be very careful choosing friends and some people think that she just couldn’t find a man she could live with. Some of the researchers think that the poetess’s desire to stay unmarried was dictated by the customs which existed in the USA at those times. It was acceptable for a women to stay a spinster and to â€Å"keep the house† for the rest of her life. So, both Emily and her sister Lavinia didn’t have husbands. The only member of that family whose love life was successful was their brother Austin. He married a â€Å"genteel† girl from New-York, Susanne Gilbert who later became one of the closest Emily’s friends. Dickinson kept corresponding with some of her friends and relatives for all her life. What is interesting is that she often wrote and received letters from her next door neighbor Susanne Dickinson, her brother’s wife. Emily’s letters are a valuable source that provides us with the information about her personality, character, and attitudes and, what is also important, her life patterns. Emily’s most productive years were 1858-1863, when the number of the poems written enlarged from 52 in the 1858 to the 366 in the 1852. Researches strongly argue on the reason of such productivity increase and most of them agree that there was some failed love affair in Emily’s life in the late fifties. The efforts to define the object of her interest failed. Assumptions made on this topic touched almost everybody with whom Emily communicated closely, including her brother, Susan Gilbert, her sister-in-law, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Judge Otis Lord, Charles Wadsworth and her friend Kate Scott Anthon, but no evidence of Dickinson having a romantic affair with anyone of these people is not found yet. It is known that Emily didn’t strive for the publicity at all. Only ten of her verses were published during her life and all of these under the pseudonym. Some even think that the poetess didn’t give her permission for the publication. A data exists that she was offered by Thomas Niles of Roberts Brothers publishing house to publish her book in 1883 but refused him. It is presumed that Emily valued her privacy very much and she didn’t like the idea of becoming a well-known person. Instead of printing and publishing her books Emily Dickinson made manuscripts, which were later called fascicles, by herself. She begun to make them in 1958 and only death stopped her work. She shared her work in the narrow circle of her friends and relatives. Emily Dickinson was known for being an eccentric person throughout the dwellers of Amherst. From the 1970 she never wore anything except white dresses and she rarely went out of her yard. The poet rarely communicated with anyone except her family and those who wanted to talk to her had pass the â€Å"face-control† made by her sister Lavinia on Emily’s request. It seems that her inner world was so tender and vulnerable that it was hard for her to let a new person to enter there. Emily chose her surroundings carefully, but she gave all her love and affection to those whom she found worthy of trust. Emily died in the 1886, presumably of some kind of kidney’s disease. Her sister was astonished when she found more than a thousand verses stashed in the wooden bureau in Dickinson’s cabinet. Three volumes of Emily’s poems were published by Lavinia, but she of course couldn’t enjoy her triumph or oppose to those who criticized her. But it seems to me it wouldn’t grieve her, as she said everything she wanted to say in her verses. She made her manifest to the world and now it’s our turn.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Esterification of 4-methyl-2-pentanol and Acetic Acid

Esterification of 4-methyl-2-pentanol and Acetic Acid Joseph Nuernberg Esterification of 4-methyl-2-pentanol and Acetic Acid by Reflux and Distillation and Characterized by Infrared Spectroscopy Abstract: The objective of this lab was to successfully synthesize an ester from an alcohol and acetic acid. This experiment used 4-methyl-2-pentanol with excess acetic acid to produce (1,3-dimethylbutyl) acetate as seen in Figure 1. The mixture of acetic acid with 4-methyl-2-pentanol and sulfuric acid was refluxed, extracted, distilled and identified using IR spectroscopy. The ester had a fruity smell when obtained. The mass of the final product was 0.582g which gave a 34.6% yield. The results obtained indicated that the final product attained was the ester (1,3-dimethylbutyl) acetate due to the similar bond groups of C=O and sp3 C-H. The reason why the percent yield was low was because the nature of the reaction itself formed ether and ester and some product was lost through extraction. For future experiments, the process must be done a lot quicker in order to ensure the least amount of product evaporates. Introduction: Often in chemical labs, esters are artificially synthesized in order to produce an imitation of a flavor. An ester can be synthesized by the reaction of an alcohol with a carboxylic acid. In this experiment, (1, 3,-dimethylbutyl) acetate was formed through excess acetic acid and 4-methyl-2-pentanol as seen in Figure 1. The limiting reagent in this reaction is 4-methyl-2-pentanol so the theoretical yield of the ester product is dependent on 4-methyl-2-pentanol. Figure 1: Reaction of 4-methyl-2-pentanol with excess acetic acid For this reaction, the reflux will be utilized. Heat is applied with a boiling chip, to allow the reaction to occur. The vapor rises and escapes from the round bottom flask and is then cooled by the water condenser. The vapor turns back into a liquid and drips back into the bottom flask. In order to remove certain compounds, the synthesis involved extraction to isolate compounds. The denser layer or the aqueous layer will be at the bottom and can be removed with a pipette. The product of ether and ester was distilled to isolate the ester because esters have lower boiling points than the ether. In distillation, the substance with the lower boiling point evaporates and reaches the water condenser. The cool temperature allows the vapor to change states from gas to liquid which forces the liquid to drip back down the into the Hickman head due to gravity. In this reaction, the (1, 3,-dimethylbutyl) acetate was isolated from an unknown ether by distilling into the Hickman head. An IR spect rum of the final product is conducted to determine the desired product by comparing the bond groups of the given values. If the IR peaks and bonds are the same as the given, then the purified product would be the ester. A percent yield will be calculated to assess the amount of ester produced. Procedure: First, obtain an empty round bottom flask and find the mass. Add about 1.5mL of 4-methyl-2-pentanol in the flask and reweigh. With the 3mL of glacial acetic acid added, add sulfuric acid with a boiling chip. Conduct reflux with the apparatus conducted in previous labs with a water condenser attached to cool the reaction. Heat the apparatus for 60 to 70 minutes. Cool the reaction mixture and while stirring, add 2-3 mL of 5% aqueous sodium bicarbonate until carbon dioxide formation ceases. Transfer mixture and shake hard. Remove the aqueous layer and repeat the separation technique two more times. Remove as much water from the organic layer by adding small amounts of sodium sulfate and let the reaction stand for 10-15 minutes. After a week, transfer the reaction with the ether and ester into a vial and conduct distillation. Conduct distillation for 15 minutes at around 180 to 200 oC. Obtain and mass the final product. Conduct IR of starting reactants and products. Clean up stations and calculate the percent yield. Results and calculations: Table 1: Table of masses during experiment Theoretical yield for (1,3-dimethylbutyl) acetate = 1.68g of Percent yield: x 100% x 100%= 34.6% IR: Figure 2: IR before distillation Figure 3: IR after distillation Table 2: Values of IR for ester (1,3-dimethylbutly) acetate after distillation Discussion and Conclusion: For this experiment, the ester (1, 3-dimethylbutyl) acetate was synthesized from acetic acid and 4-methyl-2-pentanol. However, this is not a one reaction pathway because of the tetrahedral intermediate prevalent in esterification. The addition of the acetic acid leads to a more reactive electrophile. This causes a tetrahedral intermediate in which there are two equivalent hydroxyl groups. Then one of the hydroxyl groups is eliminated, a process known as tautomerism. This then gives water and ester as the final products. The reaction was successful produced from reflux but problems arose during the second component of this experiment, distillation. The ester also had a very distinct fruity smell. This reaction is refluxed because heat acts as a catalyst for the reaction. In the reaction pathway, the temperature is increased, allowing more geometrical collisions with the products and requires lower activation energy. This can be seen as an example of the Maxwell-Boltzmann curve. This was done uniformly by using the aluminum block at around 110 oC. After reflux occurred, a distillation apparatus was used in order to purify the ester from the ether. The boiling chip was added in reflux and distillation in order to ensure that the reaction did not overheat and burn the reaction. Boiling chips are often made from carborundum (carbon and silicon) which are chemically inert and allows sharp edges for bubbles to form which will not overheat the system. The substances in the reaction are allowed to boil more calmly rather than rapid boiling causing splatter and ruining the experiment. The water condenser was used for both in order to cool down the reaction in order to prevent burning of the reaction and ensuring that the product in the vapor state turned back into liquid state. The reason why anhydrous sodium bicarbonate was added was to ensure that any leftover water was absorbed and the remaining layer contained only the organic compounds. This was done a total of three times to ensure that minimal water was left, but some of the product leaked when shaken. The purpose of distillation is to separate compounds based on their boiling points. The reaction mixture that contained ester and ether was to be distilled in order to obtain the ester in the Hickman head. However, after letting the reaction stand for a week, most of the ether evaporated and the mixture was mostly ester. This explains why during distillation, the mixture in the conical vial disappeared as most or all went into the Hickman head. This can be seen in Figures 2 and 3. The IR of before and after distillation have similar values, peaks, and the exact functional groups which indicates that the mixture contained only the ester. The IR spectroscopy of after distillation shows that there is a C=O bond around 1735.27 cm-1, and a sp3 C-H bond around 2959.19 cm-1 which indicates that the compound shown is indeed an ester and that the objective was met since ester do have C=O bonds around 1750 cm-1 and sp3 C-H bonds around 2900 cm-1 . Ideally, the distillation process should be us eful in isolating the pure product, by allowing the ester molecules to be in a gaseous phase. Equilibrium will be established and allows the molecules to form back into a liquid phase in the Hickman head, but in this experiment distillation was not necessary. This just caused more chances of losing the ester by not fully attaining all the liquid from the Hickman head or by evaporating. The results yielded a 34.6% yield which suggested that there were errors within the reaction. One major reason as to why the yield was low was because of the nature of the reaction itself. The ether and ester in the conical vial was left to stand for a week. Because the ether had a lower boiling point than ester, most or all of the ether evaporated due to high volatility at room temperature. In addition, the ester also has a high volatility but lower than the ether because of the structure and the strength of the intermolecular forces. The ester has two oxygen atoms whereas the ether has one oxygen resulting in lower van der Waal forces. The ether was created as a byproduct which affected the maximum amount of yield of ester produced. Therefore, not all the reaction occurred to form an ester because during that time there were compounds that hindered the maximum amount of yield formed by forming a pathway for the ether. This was from the sulfuric acid reaction mechanism to produce an ether. The sulfuric acid dissociates into a proton and a bisulfate ion which forms with the OH group of the alcohol. The alcohol’s oxygen is protonated which forms an oxonium ion. The ion decomposes to carbocation and water and the carbocation reacts with another alcohol group to form another oxonium ion. The ion loses a proton to stabilize and forms an ether. If a stronger alcohol, perhaps 1-hexanol was used, a higher yield would be attained because the stronger intermolecular forces allows the reaction to have lower volatility and the ester and ether formed would also evaporate less. Because there are weaker van der Waal forces in the (1, 3-dimethylbutyl) acetate because of the lower carbon chains, more of the product was evaporated and lost. In order to ensure that a higher yield is attained, the reflux and distillation process must be done back to back or a lot quicker before the ester and ether evaporates at room temperature. Also an alcohol with a longer carbon chain s hould be used as stronger intermolecular forces allow more ester to form. While transporting the organic layers and further extraction, some of the product was lost. Even though this source of error is minimal, there were some product lost along the way by transporting through vials which affected the yield of the final product. Reflux is an effective technique that allowed Fischer esterification to occur. Distillation is a very useful technique, but should not be relevant when one of the substances evaporates due to high volatility. For future experiments, the reaction must be done much quicker in order to ensure that the least amount of ether and ester evaporates and is lost throughout the process and more precise instruments can be used to extract the organic layer. IR should still be used to discern the identity of the product. Because of the nature of the reaction itself, a yield close to the theoretical is very difficult to attain, a realistic approach would be around 60% yield. Work Cited: MSDS of (1,3-dimethyl butyl) acetate. (accessed November 7, 2014). MSDS of 4-methyl-2-pentanol. (accessed November 7, 2014). Padias, Anne.Making the Connections. Hayden McNeil, 2011.

Contribution Of Women In Handicrafts In Lahore Cultural Studies Essay

Contribution Of Women In Handicrafts In Lahore Cultural Studies Essay The present study is about the contribution of women in handicrafts. The current theme of research regarding handicrafts is to find out the type of embroidery work that women do in their houses and also the problems and benefits they get from their skills. While there is a lot of research are presented on this topic but there is a lack of attention on those women and their contribution in handicrafts (embroidery). This study would add a knowledge and information to the existing one. Moreover in Pakistan this work is impossible without womens contribution. So, it would also help us to understand the women problems regarding their works. Handicrafts Handicrafts are items made by hand, often with the use of tools, and are generally artistic and traditional in nature. They include objects of utility and objects of decoration. (Geographical Indications of Goods Act, 1999). Handicrafts are the things that are produce completely by hand or with the help of tool. They also known as craft work in which useful and decorative things are used to complete it. Generally the term is used to traditional way of making things. Handicrafts are unique ideas that represent a culture and tradition of a country and it is most important in terms of economic development. Handicrafts are the mirror of culture, tradition and the beauty of this work is depend upon the aesthetic sense of the workers and also on the quality of material and touch of art.   Pakistan has a rich history of handicrafts. The greate workers of Pakistan have greate skills to show their care in craftsmanship and Pakistani culture promises everything beauty,dignity,form and style. (Shaukat, 2006) Handicrafts are as most important symbol in terms of economic development.For the long time period home based work has helped men and women both an economically.In now a days this market get progress and became internationalized but men get more benefits then women due to that freedom that they have to move anywere in profitable areas and the adaptation of these workers into unorganized sector have made women more insecure and lead them to the explotation of their recentl. (Gyanendra Dastidar, 2000) The facts is that more wealthy countries have less informal economy but developing countries more expansive one. Denmark has 18 per cent, Nigeria and Thailand 80 per cent informal economy and there is nothing insulting to admit the fact that Pakistan has an informal economy of about 70 per cent. (Bhatti, 2002) Types of handicrafts Handicrafts involve the different types of creation including clothing, religious symbols and jewelry, and different types of paper crafts. (Malcolm Tatum, 2003) There are hundreds if not thousands of different varieties of handicrafts. The following list of crafts is included just for descriptive purposes. The Handicrafts manifested through Brass, onyx and wood, are known to maintain a proud tradition of handicrafts since 1994 in Pakistan and truly signifying the worth of the products. The art of carving on Metal Wood items are the real beauties of our hard working Craftsmen. These items are manufactured in small villages by hardwork craftsman, and can easily be purchased in big cities. Such crafts include, metal lanterns, mirror frames, decoration pieces and more.    (Shaukat, 2006) 3. Pottery  Ã‚   The potter at his wheel is a common scene in every village, uninfluenced by modern glamour. Bahawalpur, Rawalpindi, Gujrat and places around also produce colorful pottery, painted after firing. pottery of Multan is welknown from dates back to the 13th century with obvious traces for woodwork. Chiniot is also known for woodwork. Copper and brass work is done within the walled city of Lahore. Ceramics and glazed pottery are the oldest art in Pakistan, dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization (2500 B.C.E.). Many popular techniques are used to dercorate the pottery and popular technique is to apply blue designs over white glazes.   Pakistani potters are welknown for making the elaborate tiles that decorate mosques and public buildings. (Shaukat, 2006) 4. Woodcrafts Wood-carving, Woosd-turning, Cabinet making, Furniture making, lacquerware include in woodcrafts. Pakistani furniture is known all over the world for its beautiful designs and the asthetic sense of the worker. One of the fine longitudinal cross grains solid wood is known as Rosewood. It is available in the northern areas of Pakistan. In Asia this wood is only available in Pakistan. In local language people calls it SHESHAM. It is also available along the lakes and rivers in Punjab province of Pakistan. Such furniture is famous all over the world for its beauty. (Shaukat, 2006) 5. Jewelry Leather goods Metalwork, including inlaid or engraved swords, boxes, dishes, and tea sets made from silver and gold, as well as jewelry with precious stones and pearls, are important crafts. Jewelry is not limited to necklaces, bracelets, rings but also includes hair and forehead decorations and nose ornaments. Leatherwork and basketry are also important crafts. Sindh baskets are colorful and intricate, while weavers in the Northwest Frontier prefer geometric patterns. (Shaukat, 2006) Embroidersy Embroidery is the art or handicraft of decorating cloth or other materials with needle and thread or wool.Workers also enhance its beauty with uses of other materials such as metal strips, pearls, beads, quills, and sequins. Embroidery is an ancient textile art which uses strands of embroidery floss or wool to create a picture in thread on canvas, linen or other cloth. It forms a part of needlework. Embroidery uses various stitches and combinations of stitches. Each embroidery stitch has a special name to help identify it. Embroidery has recognized as a creative expression of people and it is storage of our oral traditions which have been maintained by the women. (Dhamija, 2004) Embroidered textiles are frequently used to decorate living spaces, temporary or permanent, impressive or modest depend upon choise and the sense of owner. Historically, embroidered textiles shows the wealthy and influence touch of rulers, courtiers, and courtesans. Among South Asias many peoples are identified by this textiles frequently, personal status or religious affiliation. (Dale Carolyn Gluckman, 2007) The folk embroidery tradition runs deep in the Punjab. At the end of the 15th century, the founder of the Sikh religion, Guru Nanak, wrote: Thou art not a worthwhile woman until thou hast embroidered thy own blouse. Village women still practice the craft, also stitching bed and cushion covers and a variety of other cloths, but the art probably reached its peak in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. (Beste, Michael, 2009) Types of embroidery There are many different styles of embroidery, often with regional variations. Chikan embroidery Chikan embroidery is a fine needle-craft done by hand mostly using white thread on a variety of fabrics from cotton and silk to synthetics. It is the most famous fine art of embroidery at word level, and is famous not only in India, but also abroad. (Sarna Shukla, 1994) Zari embroideries From the second half of 18th century until the early 20th century, two different types of gold embroidery found ready patrons; these were: zardozi work, heavy silver-gilt thread work upon a foundation padded with cotton thread or paper, on velvet or sation ground; and Kalabattu work: light delicate embroidery, in gilt-silver or silver threads, strips of gilt-silver, gilt-silver sequins, upon fine silk cotton or muslin. (Dhamija, 2004) White work White work is embroidered in white thread, on pure white fabric, it is not at all difficult, and is cheap to achieve. The tools you will need for white work embroidery are minimal. Firstly, a nice piece of fabric. Depending on the kind of item you wish to produce, you may start out with high thread count white muslin, or an even weave or linen. Appliquà © work Appliquà © work is every kind of embroidery which, being worked solidly on one material is then cut out and lay down upon another, and secured by various ornamental stitches. (Dhamija, 2004) China work This work was almost entirely Chinese in design and techniques. It was done on saries, shawls, borders, children dresses and a variety of costumes. The fabric used was mainly chines silk or fine satin of red, purple and black colour. The embroidery was done sometimes with floss-silk and more often with tightly spun, two ply silk. (Dhamija, 2004) Phulkari The simple and sparsely embroided work for everyday use was called phulkari. It was done on odhnis or shawls for everyday use on coarse handspun khadi cloth, mostly brownish-red, usng floss-silk in darning stitched worked from the reverse side of fabric. (Dhamija, 2004) Kashmir embroidery The main varieties of Kashmir being namda, work on felt-wool, gabba, a type of appliquà © work, using waste woolen fabrics and kashida wrought on various kinds of clothing and the cloth used is either silk or wool. (Dhamija, 2004) Role of women in handicrafts Home based workers are the most marginalized and one of the largest groups of workers in this sector, with an estimated 300 million workers worldwide. Home based work has been identified as work that is undertaken in the home. They are predominately women, located in various occupations including the assembly of electronic components of fans, washing machines, irons, or the manufacture of glass bangles, items of pottery; small scale packaging and assembling of consumables, hand knitting, embroidery, stitching, handicrafts, garments and weaving of carpets and shawls. It also includes clerical and teaching homework and the supply of raw materials. (Carr, Chen Tate, 2000) According to World Bank report after agriculture, the most important source of womens employment is home-based work. (Aurat publication, 1997) The statistics on the informal economy are unreliable, The number of women in the informal labour force possibly stands at 12.79 millions, of whom 8.52 million women, constituting 75 per cent of the total informal sector workers, were home-based workers.'(Aurat publication, 1997) A survey of the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) conducted in 2003 shows that 77 percent of the total female labor force falls within the purview of the informal sector, while 53 percent are classified as home based workers. They also told that most of working women have to hand over their earnings to their parents or husbands. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries women produced and consumed the crafts for the domestic interior. They made crafts at various levels in society and having different motives. At one level, it may have been artistic self-expression; at another level to support financial necessity, or on a third level it may have been for pastime. (Edward, 2006) Informal Economy comprises of small enterprises of one or more persons, with casual or regular employees of less than 10 people. The workers in this sector fall into the following three categories: Self-employed women Home-based workers Self-employed women A woman who is self-employed works for herself instead of as an employee of another person or organization, drawing income from a trade or business. Self-employed workers are paid directly by clients or by their business, and some proportion of these payments will be due to the government as income tax. (Haq, 2003) Home-based workers Home based women workers fall into two categories: (i) dependent workers who work on a piece rate and usually work for middle persons in a contract chain; and (ii) independent home based workers or own-account workers who produce goods for direct sale through street stalls, shops or the local village and sometimes to traders or subcontractors. (Haq, 2003) In the last ten years women have become more energetic in business and the private sector. Their participation found in many areas, in which small scale projects as well as large scale private projects are included. Small scale rural projects turns into larg scale private projects. There are a lot of networks which have been established for the women in business. It also empowers the women of a home-base producer or in private sector. (Brouwer, Harris Tanaka, 1998) The unplanned home-based workers represent an important part of working population. There are large number of income producing activities are included in home-based sector in which mostly women workers are engaged. From embroidery to food processing and from craft to coir work are included in these activities. Both in rural and urban areas, there is given very little importance to this unorganized sector and it is due to the workers condition; the working conditions are unspeakable, the wages are extremely low and workers face great worries and exploitations. Home based industrial work is one of the least regulated, least managed, and most risky systems of industrial production however a large number of women workers are tired in this sector just because of lack of personal resources, like education and awareness, non-availability of employment opportunities, and normative practices which control womens mobility outside home. (Sarna Shukla, 1994) Liberalisation has improved the employment opportunities for women in some sectors especially in the crafts sector. So there are increased the number of women in participation of home-base craft sector like in embroidery, lace making, weaving and printed textiles. In some cases empowerment of women also increases but in most cases, the working condition of the women workers is poor and they are paid less than men. (Krishnaraj, 1992 cited by Rao, 2005) Women have a great work load in their lives; they have a double burden, to earn income from their work and also have to fulfill their household responsibilities. They laboring the whole day; generally they work 12 to 16 hours per day and losing their health and energy both. (Durand, 1975 cited by United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia and the pacific, 1987) Being a embroidery skilled worker, their work requires women to sit long hours in the same restless position and sometime they have to ignore there household duties that resulting in tension, qurels and a lot of deases like eye, back bone, shoulders as well as other mental and emotional problems depending upon the physical environment in which these women live and work. (Sarna Shukla, 1994) Wage discrimination is obvious and usually common against women in Asia. Wage rates are as low as one-third or it may be observed that women always paid less of those paid to men. In Jobs also, there are described carefully to discriminate the labour practices involved; female positions typically require few skills and give poor salary. (United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia and the pacific, 1987) In handicrafts the embroidery work is a traditional art but many women faced some difficulty of marketing their skill. Generally simple embroidery piece do not have sale value except it is the part of gift items.And if the women contect the shop keeper or designers she may sale her prodect but beang a women she is restricted to go outside .so, she have only those customers to know them personally. (Gyanendra Dastidar, 2000) Mostly the womens work is under-reported in Pakistan. Purdah is the main reason that stops any direct communication between the enumerator and the female respondent. The household head, usually a male, reports any female activity. Because purdah is a status representation, related with material well-being, and womens work is frowned upon, it is expected that female labour is under-reported. (Whyte, 1982 cited by United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia and the pacific, 1987) In some traditional industries like jute and cotton textile, mechanization has contributed in the rejection of female employment. Women represent 90 percent of the workers in these industries such as the making of embroidery. But intermediaries and middlemen who provide the raw materials and market the final product, make them badly exploited by only paying the women minimal wages. (Bhatty n.d.; Indian Council of Social Science Research, 1975 cited by United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia and the pacific, 1987) Crafts production is culturally recognized activity. The skills present in the economic sector and many women adopt and practice it. But they dont get to recognition and value not in the economy and not in the household level. They dont have any financial records, on average it accounts for less than 1% of a households income. This is not much to lead toward progress. There are too much women who participate in home-craft production but they just have little impact on it.womens are badly exploted by the men even they work for batterly then men. (Freedman Wai, 1988) s NGOs should help the home based women workers in the shape groups. Those groups should supply raw materials, make sure appropriate and timely payments, arrange for the credit and support in design development. (Ministry of Labour, 2000). This is the need of hour to arrange female workers into cooperatives and other organizations where production and marketing are included, and it should sported by the government to stop this high rate of women exploitation. (United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia and the pacific, 1987)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The American Revolution And Womens Freedom Essay -- Essays on America

The American Revolution (1775-1783) was a time of great change in America. American men were fighting for their right to be free from an oppressive ruler 3000 miles away. They wanted to have their say about what went on in their own country. America won the Revolution and its freedom, but while this was going on something else was happening. Internally changes were coming about too during all this fighting. The Revolution was the catalyst for women to make progress towards freedom. Women were making economic and political gains to further women's rights. While their husbands were away at war, the women had to work and take care of the home. Women who had never worked outside the home before had to work out in the field all day now, or if a woman lived in the city she had to get a job to support the rest of the family. During this time in the city of Philadelphia, colonial women had a job either within or outside the home, and most women worked for pay. According to Karin Wulf, "These women… helped to shape urban community and urban culture in the eighteenth-century city." Ruth Henshaw a nineteen- year old girl kept a diary focusing on her work with textiles, her school teaching and her familial and social life in 1792. , Clearly by her entries it can be seen that even girls of nineteen could hold jobs, make money and survive on their own, independent of a man if they had to or wanted to. Economic progress can also be seen in the fact that many women once widowed never remarried. "As independent women, they could act legally a nd economically in ways that their married sisters could not." They were able to rent property to and from their neighbors, buy and sell goods, and have a paid job outside the home. Sure, women may hav... ... Colonies," in Major Problems in American Women's History, 3rd ed., edited by Mary Beth Norton and Ruth M. Alexander, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003), 52-54. "The Patriot Esther DeBerdt Reed Describes the ‘Sentiments of an American Women,' 1780." Reprinted in Chapter 4, "The Impact of the American Revolution," in Major Problems in American Women's History, 3rd ed., edited by Mary Beth Norton and Ruth M. Alexander, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003), 71-73. Wulf, Karin. "Rachel Draper's Neighborhood: Work and Community," Not All Wives: Women of Colonial Philadelphia (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2000), 119-121, 130-148. Reprinted in Chapter 3, "The Economic Roles of Women in the Northern Colonies," in Major Problems in American Women's History, 3rd ed., edited by Mary Beth Norton and Ruth M. Alexander, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003), 61-68.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Elie Wiesels Night :: Elie Wiesel Night Essays

Elie Wiesel's Night      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "For more than half an hour he stayed there, struggling between life and death, dying in slow agony under our eyes.   And we had to look him full in the face.   He was still alive when I passed in front of him.   His tongue was still red, his eyes were not yet glazed.   Behind me I heard [a] man asking:   Where is God now?"      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The suffering of this child being hanged is comparable to the suffering endured by many Jews during the holocaust.   This quotation is found in just one of many heart wrenching scenes found in Night, a biography of the holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel.   Wiesel stayed quiet about the holocaust for ten years and his reasoning for this was, "I didn't want to use the wrong words.   I was afraid the words might betray it."   This also may account for the fact that some of the sentences found in Night are very wordy and often are overwhelming to the reader because of the amount of significance found in each.   This flaw, though, is very forgivable under the circumstances.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Besides for the brilliant descriptions found in Night and the feeling that you were walking in Elie's shoes, if he literally had any, Night opens the readers mind to the atrocities of the holocaust and concentration camps.   We take for granted, today, our knowledge of knowing how many Jews were killed by the Nazi's and having a general idea of the kind of life people led in the concentration camps.   People never really stop to think about what it must have felt like not knowing what was going on or what was going to happen next.   Wiesel illustrates this very clearly at the beginning of his autobiography.   He shows the reaction of the townspeople when they first heard of Hitler and German troops and the optimistic approach they ecided to take on life.   This technique of taking the reader to life before the ghettos and the concentration camps is very interesting and unique.   Before reaching about the middle of the novel, the beginning may not really be appreciated.   The reader probably will not realize how much greater the effect is on him/her until he/she notices how much life has changed for

Our Declining Education System :: essays research papers

Our Declining Education System According to "A Nation at Risk", the American education system has declined due to a " rising tide of mediocrity" in our schools. States such as New York have responded to the findings and recommendations of the report by implementing such strategies as the "Regents Action Plan" and the "New Compact for Learning". In the early 1980's, President Regan ordered a national commission to study our education system. The findings of this commission were that, compared with other industrialized nations, our education system is grossly inadequate in meeting the standards of education that many other countries have developed. At one time, America was the world leader in technology, service, and industry, but overconfidence based on a historical belief in our superiority has caused our nation to fall behind the rapidly growing competitive market in the world with regard to education. The report in some respects is an unfair comparison of our education system, which does not have a national standard for goals, curriculum, or regulations, with other countries that do, but the findings nevertheless reflect the need for change. Our education system at this time is regulated by states which implement their own curriculum, set their own goals and have their own requirements for teacher preparation. Combined with this is the fact that we have lowered our expectations in these areas, thus we are not providing an equal or quality education to all students across the country. The commission findings generated recommendations to improve the content of education and raise the standards of student achievement, particularly in testing, increase the time spent on education and provide incentives to encourage more individuals to enter the field of education as well as improving teacher preparation. N.Y. State responded to these recommendations by first implementing the Regents Action Plan; an eight year plan designed to raise the standards of education. This plan changed the requirements for graduation by raising the number of credits needed for graduation, raising the number of required core curriculum classes such as social studies, and introduced technology and computer science. The plan also introduced the Regents Minimum Competency Tests, which requires a student to pass tests in five major categories; math, science, reading, writing, and two areas of social studies. Although the plan achieved many of its goals in raising standards of education in N.Y. State, the general consensus is that we need to continue to improve our education system rather than being satisfied with the achievements we have made thus far. Therefore, N.Y. adopted "The New Compact for Learning". This plan is based on the principles that all children can learn. Our Declining Education System :: essays research papers Our Declining Education System According to "A Nation at Risk", the American education system has declined due to a " rising tide of mediocrity" in our schools. States such as New York have responded to the findings and recommendations of the report by implementing such strategies as the "Regents Action Plan" and the "New Compact for Learning". In the early 1980's, President Regan ordered a national commission to study our education system. The findings of this commission were that, compared with other industrialized nations, our education system is grossly inadequate in meeting the standards of education that many other countries have developed. At one time, America was the world leader in technology, service, and industry, but overconfidence based on a historical belief in our superiority has caused our nation to fall behind the rapidly growing competitive market in the world with regard to education. The report in some respects is an unfair comparison of our education system, which does not have a national standard for goals, curriculum, or regulations, with other countries that do, but the findings nevertheless reflect the need for change. Our education system at this time is regulated by states which implement their own curriculum, set their own goals and have their own requirements for teacher preparation. Combined with this is the fact that we have lowered our expectations in these areas, thus we are not providing an equal or quality education to all students across the country. The commission findings generated recommendations to improve the content of education and raise the standards of student achievement, particularly in testing, increase the time spent on education and provide incentives to encourage more individuals to enter the field of education as well as improving teacher preparation. N.Y. State responded to these recommendations by first implementing the Regents Action Plan; an eight year plan designed to raise the standards of education. This plan changed the requirements for graduation by raising the number of credits needed for graduation, raising the number of required core curriculum classes such as social studies, and introduced technology and computer science. The plan also introduced the Regents Minimum Competency Tests, which requires a student to pass tests in five major categories; math, science, reading, writing, and two areas of social studies. Although the plan achieved many of its goals in raising standards of education in N.Y. State, the general consensus is that we need to continue to improve our education system rather than being satisfied with the achievements we have made thus far. Therefore, N.Y. adopted "The New Compact for Learning". This plan is based on the principles that all children can learn.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Principle of Management Essay

From Scientific to Administrative Back around 1860, Henri Fayol, a then-young engineer, began working at a coal mine in France. While working at the mines, he noticed that managing the miners was not an easy job. Managing was not as effective as it could be. Managers had few resources and tools to better manage people. At the time, Frederick Winslow Taylor, founder of the school of scientific management, was making strides in maximizing productivity by focusing on the work and worker relationship. In other words, Taylor believed that there was a science to work. If workers worked more like machines, there would be increased productivity. Frederick Winslow Taylor founded the school of scientific management Unlike Taylor’s scientific management theory, Fayol believed that it was more than just work and workers. Managers needed specific roles in order to manage work and workers. This became known as the administrative school of management and was founded on the six functions, or roles, of management: 1.Forecasting 2.Planning 3.Organizing 4.Commanding 5.Coordinating 6.Controlling Principles 1-7 These roles, used as a process, focused on the entire organization rather than just the work. Once broken down into smaller parts, the six functions evolved into Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management. In this lesson, we will focus on the first seven principles: 1.Division of Work 2.Authority 3.Discipline 4.Unity of Command 5.Unity of Direction 6.Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest 7.Remuneration While Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management are not as widely used as they once were, it is important to understand how the foundation of administrative management theory was developed to address the needs of the times. This macro approach was the first of its time. Let’s not forget, Taylor did not focus on the human element. Henri Fayols principles of management focus on the human element His scientific approach to work focused on building a better, stronger, faster and more productive team through physical elements. Fayol didn’t see it that way. Fayol saw workers as humans possessing elements that required a more general approach to getting the work done. He saw it as a whole organizational effort. Principles Explained Let’s take each principle and use examples to better understand how these principles work together to create an administrative management mindset. Let’s use Fayol and the Principles, a rock band, to help us better understand the first seven of the 14 Principles of Management. 1. Division of Work: When employees are specialized, output can increase because they become increasingly skilled and efficient. Fayol and the Principles is made up of four members, including Fayol. Each band member specializes in a specific instrument or talent. Fayol is the lead singer, while the other members play instruments. The band is able to produce quality music because each performs the job in the band that he or she is most specialized in. If we were to mix it up a bit and put Fayol on bass guitar and another member on singing – neither of whom possesses the skill to perform the job – the sound would be much different. 2. Authority: Managers must have the authority to give orders, but they must also keep in mind that with authority comes responsibility. Fayol and the Principles understand that they should specialize in their specific areas; however, there needs to be a leader. Fayol assumes the role as leader and gives everyone orders. He says ‘Play this. Do that.’ But with that comes responsibility. He knows that, whatever task he delegates to the band, he must make sure that the task is completed, that the task is done in a productive way and that it yields results. 3. Discipline: Discipline must be upheld in organizations, but methods for doing so can vary. From time to time, the band members do not perform to Fayol’s standard. Even though Fayol looks at the organization as a whole organizational effort, he also knows that he must administer discipline for ineffectiveness. Two of Fayol’s band members decided to take a break from practice to play a competitive game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey. He must administer swift discipline in line with the offense. He also knows that there is no one discipline that can be levied against the band members. It must be done on a case-by-case basis. In this case, the two band members were penalized pay for the time spent playing a game when they should have been practicing for their show. 4. Unity of Command: Employees should have only one direct supervisor. Multiple people sometimes give orders. In the case of the rock band, Fayol is in charge. This is expressed by the name of the band and implied by the orderly way in which work is delegated. Fayol is the only person to give direction. 5. Unity of Direction: Teams with the same objective should be working under the direction of one manager and using one plan. This will ensure that action is properly coordinated. Just like unity of command, it is important for Fayol to keep the band on a single track, course or direction. One manager. One plan. One vision. 6. Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest: The interests of one employee should not be allowed to become more important than those of the group. This includes managers. Fayol knows how to maintain a balance between personal endeavors and those of the greater good. Fayol and the Principles are a rock band. This is their purpose, their identity. If one of the members feels differently, regardless of how strongly he feels, this self-interest, or individual interest, is not more important than those of the band and its members. 7. Remuneration: Employee satisfaction depends on fair remuneration for everyone. This includes financial and non-financial compensation. When it comes to payday, Fayol knows that he must pay the band and pay them fairly. This includes money and perks. It is tempting to take all of the backstage perks and keep them for himself, like free T-shirts and sodas, but by sharing the rewards, Fayol has a much more satisfied team. Lesson Summary In summary, Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management serve the organization as a whole. By dividing the work into specialized and specific jobs, workers are able to work more efficiently. Small management units who oversee functional areas of the organization are now able to assign work and hold workers accountable for their production. This makes it easier to measure productivity. Once a system of accountability is in place and productivity can be monitored, it is easier to determine who is performing and who is not performing. Managers are able to selectively and individually discipline workers who fall short of goals quickly and in the correct measure. Having just one manager assigned to a team takes away any task confusion. Workers have only one supervisor directing them. With only one supervisor directing work, it is easy to motivate employees to buy into one plan. This minimizes self-interest. With only one manager managing the work of one team, which shares one vision, compe nsating the team can be done fairly.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lucy, by Jamaica kincaid

There ar a lot of ways of course session this novel. It could be read, roughly convention onlyy, with focus on Lucy, people and places. But if we look into the deep, well instruct well-marked psychological picture of the unripened woman, her everyday struggle with herself.In Lucy, Jamaica Kincaid challenges the idea of passive/pathological sexuality in women. Lucys deepest conflicts and her greatest crossness arise from her relationships with her obtain and therefore with her substitute arrest, Mariah. Her confess family seems fragmented, and in some sense her island community does, as well. The novel itself, however, does seem to connect fetch and producelandthe island. That may explain somewhat the intensity of her anger and signature of suffocation. Her fierceness against her fetch is not simply psychological, an specially strong version of the usual p arnt-child conflict.Lucys relationship to her baffle is highly conglomerate she has very ambivalent feelings c losely her. She is evil to her, except also respects her deeply she hates her and admires her at the same prison term. Although Lucy constantly discusses her anger toward her mother and Annies inadequacy and failure as a mother, she also peppers the novel with postage stamp stories of their interactions. I reminded her that my whole upbringing had been use to preventing me from becoming a is one lesson, which mother gave to Lucy. Lucy describes her mothers large hands, and her contend of proposets she tells us of Annies lessons to Lucy about sex, men, and miscarriage, and of school term on Annies lap as a child and caressing her face. Lucy also proudly shares stories of her mothers emotional state and her various triumphs. Despite Lucys anger toward her mother, she still feels a deep connection to her and identifies with her in many ways.Until she was nineteen geezerhood old, Lucy Potter had not ventured from her own short(p) population on the small island wher e she was born. straight off she is reenforcement with a family and learning a culture that is very different from her own. Lewis and Mariah and their quartet daughters want Lucy to feel like she is luck of the family but at first she finds it punishing to fit in. She just wants to do her art and in her off-hours disc everyplaces a new universe finished her friend Peggy and sexuality through young men, Hugh and Paul.Lucy often reflects on her animation back on the island the conflicts between she and her mother, and the British influence on the islanders. She remembers the time her mother showed her how to mix herbs that supposedly would cleanse a womans womb but what they both knew was an abortion remedy. Lucy k at presents what is expected of her, to study for a hefty job like a treasure and to honour her family. She finds out that the tidy, neat world of the family she has come to delight is not all it purports to be and how silence is a ecumenical language.Lucy comes to North America to work as an au pair for Lewis and Mariah and their four children. Lewis and Mariah are a thrice-blessed couplehandsome, rich, and seemingly happy. Yet, nearly at once, Lucy begins to notice cracks in their elegant facade. With mingled anger and compassion, Lucy scrutinizes the assumptions and verities of her employers world and compares them with the vivid realities of her congenital place.Lucy has no illusions about her own past, but neither is she prepared to be deceived about where she presently is. At the same time that Lucy is coming to terms with Lewiss and Mariahs lives, she is also unravelling the mysteries of her own sexuality. Gradually a new someone unfolds passionate, forthright, and disarmingly honest.Lucy leaves the novel crying with shame over her wish to love someone so much that I would die from it. Lucy does love someone that much, but she has thrown that love away because she could not adequately prepare a space for herself within it. When her mother tells her You can run away, but you cannot unravel the fact that I am your mother, my derivation runs in you, I carried you for nine months wrong me,Lucy interprets that as a prison reprobate. To myself I then began calling her Mrs. Judas, and I began to plan a separation from her that even then I suspected would never be complete. Yet this is a prison sentence that all human beings must face, and Lucys way of dealing with it leaves her empty and shamefaced at the end of the novel. Indeed, she states, I was now living a life I had always wanted to live. I was living apart from my family The feeling of bliss, the feeling of happiness, the feeling of longing fulfilled that I had fancy would come with this situation was nowhere to be found inside me.